HZS50 Concrete Batching Plant in Indonesia
It is a plant which was installed in 2014. It is in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It include PLD1600 aggregate batcher, JS1000 concrete mixer which is from SICOMA. This client changed the concrete mixer to this brand, because it is a world famous brand and work stable. If you have the same requirement for SICOMA, BHS, also we can export it for you from China because these two brands have factories in China.

If you want to visit this project on site, or contact our client to check the machine¡¯s work performance, please contact us: ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ô£º²õ²¹±ô±ð²õ°ª³ó²¹³¾²¹³¦³¦³ó¾±²Ô²¹.³¦´Ç³¾
Tags :
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