HZS60 Concrete Batching Plant in Guatemala
This concrete batching plant is a medium size plant, which can produce about 60m3 of concrete per hour, this customer will use it to produce concrete for his own using and meanwhile supply some commercial concrete to the surrounding market. The customer plans to purchase some more concrete equipment from us after he checked the quality of the concrete plant in our factory. If you are interested in this model, please do not be hesitate to contact with us, our goal is to be your devoted supplier.

If you want to visit this project on site, or contact our client to check the machine¡¯s work performance, please contact us: ·¡³¾²¹¾±±ô£º²õ²¹±ô±ð²õ°ª³ó²¹³¾²¹³¦³¦³ó¾±²Ô²¹.³¦´Ç³¾
Tags :
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